
Novels and short stories

Introducing JOURNEYS INTO POSSIBILITIES, an anthology produced by the Pikes Peak Writers.

In my short story, Alien Earth, a group of Mars colonists visit Earth in a desperate bid to gather enough supplies to keep the colony from starving, The Earthlings are displeased.

The twenty-one stories in this anthology range from alternative history, through contemporary, to sci-fi. 

About Me

Hi. I’m Wendy Oliver. I love science, history and books. I live in the Colorado mountains with my husband and dog. When I’m not reading or writing, I work for the forest service. 

More favorites:

  • Rushing Creeks
  • Dark, starry nights
  • Chocolate
  • Learning stuff
  • Exploring new places
  • Zelda video games
  • Reading

My Books

Alien Earth

A short story exploring what happens when Martian colonization doesn't go to plan.