Random Interesting Things

2023:  “Alien Earth.” Sci-fi short story in Journeys into Possibility.

2011: Article in Colorado Central Magazine –  Twenty Years of Making Music: The Alpine Orchestra 

2009-2012: Dozens of articles for the Chaffee County Times and Ark-Valley publishing’s special editions.

1994: Water section in Lakewood Colorado: An Illustrated Biography

1987/88: Page editor and writer for high school newspaper, The Spectator.

Current Memberships in Writing Organizations

Past Memberships

Conference Attendance

  • Letters and Lines (RM-SCBWI) (multiple times)
  • Romancing the Rockies (CRW)
  • MileHiCon (multiple times)
  • SCBWI Virtual Conferences
  • Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers
  • Manitou Springs AuthorFest

Plus, participation in a multitude of workshops and webinars, in person and virtual.

My original blog still has some good stuff on it. 

Aveline’s Odyssey

Aveline was an experimental pseudonym. 

It’s mostly a travelogue. 

My favorite entry is February 2010, “Grand Canyon Experience.”

This Is the American Earth
Nancy Newhall

To the primal wonders no road can ever lead; they are not so won.
To know them you shall leave road and roof behind; you shall go light and spare.
You shall win them yourself, in sweat, sun, laughter, in dust and rain, with only a few companions.
You shall know the night — its space, its light, its music.
You shall see earth sink in darkness and the universe appear.
No roof shall shut you from the presence of the moon.
You shall see mountains rise in the transparent shadow before dawn.
You shall see — and feel! — first light, and hear a ripple in the stillness.
You shall enter the living shelter of the forest.
You shall walk where only the wind has walked before.
You shall know immensity, and see continuing the primeval forces of the world.
You shall know not one small segment but the whole of life, strange, miraculous, living, dying, changing.
You shall face immortal challenges; you shall dare, delighting, to pit your skill, courage, and wisdom against colossal facts.
You shall live lifted up in light; you shall move among the clouds.
You shall see storms arise, and, drenched and deafened, shall exult in them.
You shall top a rise and behold creation.
And you shall need the tongues of angels to tell what you have seen.

These are non-writing pages or organizations I enjoy.

Experiential archeology is such an intriguing term. In this case, it refers to my projects in the SCA. I am a member of the Society for Creative AnachronismKingdom of the Outlands, Barony of Aarquelle.
The SCA is best known for knights in shining armor whaling on each other with swords. But that’s only a fraction of the possible activities. We joined when a friend started local sword fighting practices. I couldn’t say no to my sword-obsessed fifteen-year-old. We studied rapier, which in the SCA means steel helmets, cloth armor, and blunted metal blades.  We fight to first touch. If a sharp blade on civilian clothing would cause a cut, we call it good.
The knights fight in metal or leather armor with duct-taped rattan sticks. They score if a hit with a metal blade would have seriously injured their opponent. Once past the excitement and noise of the fighting (which really is a hoot), the whole medieval world opens up. Costuming. Hand-crafts. Cooking. Domestic arts of all kinds. Horses.
My interests led me to Renaissance astronomy, basic woodworking, and learning random historical techniques, like lampwork beads.

Here are a few samples of my projects.

My second woodworking project (power tools are scary!). A late medieval Florentine style chair.
Lady Fiora Della Casa, my Renaissance persona, at an SCA camping event.
Model of a horizontal waterwheel and grist mill, like the 7th century Nendrum Monastery mill.
A vertical sundial, similar to medieval and renaissance dials found on the sides of buildings on many European buildings.
In the SCA, there is much gifting of largesse. I made these little wooden animals for a group of re-enactment children.

Of Ravens and Rascals

Inspired by this GIF:   https://makeagif.com/i/hPphOQ



“Caw.” Raven challenged Spots.

Momma-cow laughed. “You can’t beat a bird.”

Raven rested on a post. Spots pranced around. “I can beat you.”

The cows gathered along the lane while the calves bounced. “You got this, Spots!”

Boss-cow Longtail ambled to the post. “Are you ready?”

Raven shook her tail and wings. “Caw!”


“Go!” Longtail bellowed.

Spots scrambled past the cows, puffing and straining. But Raven soared overhead. “Caw!”

“Again, again. I’ll get you this time!”

Raven fluttered onto Spots’ back and they trotted to the starting post.


Spots leaped off the grass and bumped Raven with his tail. Raven tipped and flip-flapped to regain her balance. Spots darted across the field.

Just before the finish, Spots bucked and kicked out. Raven dodged. Spots scampered across.

The calves frolicked in victory. Spots mooed, “Birds really are fastest. I’m a bird now!”

Raven dipped and dove. “Croik, cahhh.”